Saturday, October 03, 2009

Healthy Mood Food

The kind of diet that we all should have to give us the right amount of balance of nutrients would contain a variety of different fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. Also include a wide variety of whole grains, nuts seeds and beans, as well as some oily fish, for omega 3 fats, and lean meat and dairy products.

Something that really astounded me the first time I read about it was that a nutrient based treatment or diet for those who experience depression tends to show positive results. For example unipolar depression patients treated with fish-oil alongside antidepressants report a measurable improvement. Irritability in bipolar patients can significantly be reduced following supplements with low-dose fish oil. The patients on fish oil tend to show better improvements, also experiencing longer periods of remission.

Schools that insist on children bringing healthy breakfasts to class, or even have healthy breakfast served at school, are invariably reporting improved behavior in the classroom. It shows that hungry, malnourished children behave worse, whereas children who have a good healthy breakfast, show a decrease in absenteeism, a reduction in fighting and an increase in attention and performance.

School children, when placed under stress, show less aggression when they receive supplements of essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. We as parents should make sure to give our children a good healthy breakfast combined with supplements every day. We will do our children a lifelong favor and do them the world of good when we buy and give them a hand full of nutritious nuts and supplements, rather than chocolates, cookies and sweets. Remember, a healthy eating child will give you a healthy mood child.

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