Sunday, January 21, 2007

How Does Hypnosis Help You Lose Weight?

The simple answer for the question is we humans are slaves to
habit. Hypnosis is an excellent tool for eliminating bad habits
and creating good habits.

Before you begin any weight loss program, it is very important
that possible medical reasons for excess weight be diagnosed. Get
a clean bill of health from your doctor. This usually comes as an
"eat right and exercise more" statement. We sometimes find
ourselves living to eat rather than eating to live. In our modern
society we have learned to eat for reasons other than hunger.

Most of our eating habits are unconscious and do not involve
actual hunger. We eat because we are emotional, bored, tired,
happy, unhappy, guilty, afraid, sad, and many other reasons that
do not involve hunger. Hypnosis works for weight loss because it
re-programs your unconscious need to eat when not actually
hungry. By eating nutritious food, in the right proportions, only
when hungry, your body will automatically begin to return to a
more ideal weight. Hypnosis is a tool for change at the
sub-conscious level where our habits are formed.

Habits, both good and bad, become unconscious, or automatic.
Have you ever driven your car and arrived at a destination
realizing you were on "auto pilot" the whole time? Without
conscious thinking you stopped for red lights, stop signs, made
turns, and got where you were going. Driving became an
unconscious task and hopefully, all your good driving habits got
you to your destination safely.

The example of being on autopilot also applies to our good and
bad eating habits. That bag of chips, pint of ice cream, or candy
bar etc. can disappear almost without our knowledge. Many people
who struggle with weight often find that their eating habits have
become unconscious. For driving our car, the unconscious keeps us
safe. For food, our habits may drive us to eat when hunger is not
a factor.

Hypnosis is a very natural, pleasant state of mind that often
occurs twice a day for most people. It is a dreamy far away
feeling that we sometimes experience just before drifting off to
sleep at night, or just before being fully awake in the morning.
Another example of how you feel in hypnosis would be gazing into
a fireplace or campfire, you are aware of everything around you
but you just drift enjoying the relaxed feeling. In Hypnosis you
will be aware at all times but the awareness is in the

The hypnotic state for weight loss opens the subconscious seat of
our habits to suggestions by a skilled hypnotic guide. These
suggestions reinforce our good habits and replace our bad

Hypnosis provides powerful subconscious suggestions for eating
healthy nutritious foods and snacks. The first time you reach for
that bag of cookies and your hand stops in mid air you will
realize that you are now in control. It is a powerful testament
to the power of your mind.

Hypnosis is a powerful tool for following the Doctor's advice to
eat right and exercise.

Try Weight Loss Self Hypnosis Now

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