Monday, August 10, 2009

Anxiety Attacks Symptoms

Do you feel like you think about things to much? Do you feel uneasy about certain things on a regular basis? Are you feeling insecure, depressed or down on a regular basis? Do you have constant mood swings and feel like it is starting to rule your life? Would you just like to know whether you have symptoms of anxiety or not!? Here are a few of the top symptoms that doctors relate to anxiety.

#1 Always looking for the worst

One of the most common signs of anxiety is the feeling of always looking for the worst. On the same note, it is also when you worry about being around certain objects, people, or taking part in certain events.

#2 The physical symptoms

This could be feelings of constant fatigue, twitching or constantly feeling sick. Muscle tension and feelings of stress or not being able to make a decision because of the consequences of that decision are also common. A lot of the symptoms here are directly related to panic attacks.

#3 Anxious about being anxious

This is a vicious circle. If you are suffering in a bad way, then you'll find yourself thinking and then thinking the same thing over again. You'll become anxious about becoming anxious, which means you are in a constant and vicious circle!

#4 Consult a doctor

The best thing you can do is ensure that you consult a doctor. They are there to help and will be able to diagnose the disorder almost instantly and find the best cure that is suited to you as an individual.

If you would like further advice or help please go to The Panic Away Program

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